sinu-shell-beads-and-pendants-from-colombiaSINU SHELL BEADS AND PENDANTS from Colombia. The multiplicity of forms includes spacers, bullet and button shapes and thin squares with perforations on their flat surfaces. Mixed among the shells are a few stone beads. It is not known whether the large truncated cone beads functioned as a spindle whorl; top center specimen is 2.7 cm diameter. The Sinú culture dates from circa A.D. 600-1600. Courtesy of Ken Klassen. tairona-carnelian-pendan
TAIRONA CARNELIAN PENDANTS. Labeled as having pointed bases by Mason (1936), these appear to be more bullet-shaped. Of the five existing variations, the ones shown have a flat top with a large perforation and two lateral perforations, which enable stringing through two axes. The pendants are considered muerte due to their dull surfaces; average length is ca 3.0 cm. Courtesy of Ken Klassen.
CLASSIC TIAHUANACO-WARI BEADS portraying stylized, possibly feline heads shown in profile, circa A.D. 700 to 1000. The inlays consist of mother-of-pearl, orange and purple spondylus, and an unidentified greenstone. Each rectangular bead has two parallel perforations and is 4 cm high.Courtesy of Gessler Collection.

Our upcoming issue 37.4 contains


Nubian Jewelry

Kate Mensah

Philadelphia Craft Show


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